Support, Training, and Resources



  • Information Protection at MIT
    A new interactive training module in Atlas, Information Protection at MIT (15 minutes), helps you understand your role in safeguarding information at MIT and summarizes technical solutions and good data hygiene practices to identify and protect information.  
  • KnowBe4 training portal
    MIT has licensed KnowBe4, a security awareness and training platform for the Institute. Visit the KnowBe4 training portal, log in using your address, and click on the Library tab to access the Security Awareness Foundations (25 minutes) and Phishing Foundations (15 minutes) courses. 
  • IT Security Awareness I
    Learn about the importance of protecting Institute information and MIT's network through a variety of learning resources such as videos and interactive knowledge checks.
  • IT Security Awareness II
    Build on what you learned in Part I. Topics include how to enhance your cyber security when working remotely, traveling internationally, using social networks, and handling Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and Federal Personally Identifiable Information (FPII). You will also have the opportunity to practice your knowledge on the topics covered.
  • Learning Center training catalog
    To see the full list of security courses, go to the Learning Center training catalog, select the Course Catalog tab, and scroll down to COMMUNITY SAFETY & SECURITY >> Information Security.


These websites contain information pertaining to information protection relevant to both MIT and other organizations or individuals handling sensitive information.